Sam Sam Coloring Pages for Kids

Discover Printable Sam Sam Coloring Pages for Kids, all these pictures are free.

Sam Sam is a beloved French animated series that follows the adventures of a young superhero named Sam Sam. With his red cape and magical powers, Sam Sam takes on a variety of challenges and battles against evil forces in the galaxy. Join Sam Sam on his exciting missions and discover the power of imagination and courage.

Chose the Sam Sam colouring sheets you would like to print or download as a PDF.

Free Sam Sam drawing to print and color

Printable colouring sheet : Let's have fun now!

Free Sam Sam coloring page to print

After his adventures, he is entitled to a little kiss!

Sam Sam coloring page for kids

Accompanied by his faithful blanket

Sam Sam coloring page for kids

The famous bedwetters annoy Sam Sam

Free Sam Sam coloring page to print

With a Big Monster that doesn't look very mean

Sam Sam coloring to download for free

It's party time for Sam Sam!

Image of Sam Sam to download and color

A design inspired by the Sam Sam series

Free Sam Sam coloring page

Sam Sam and the Pipiaulit!

Sam Sam coloring page for kids

Colouring picture of the little hero dressed in red

Sam Sam picture to print and color

The inseparable Sam Sam and Doudou

Free Sam Sam coloring page to print

Beware of meteorites Sam!

Sam Sam coloring page to download

It's time for a well-deserved rest

Sam Sam picture to print and color

Sam Sam plays with a Martian friend and his cuddly toy!

Sam Sam coloring page to download

Sam with his Dad and Mom!

Sam Sam coloring page to download

Printable : Who is this strange man?

Sam Sam coloring page for kids

Coloring of Sam Sam in his ship

Sam Sam picture to print and color

Printable coloring page : With his best friends!

Image of Sam Sam to download and color

Sam Sam in the middle of an interstellar journey