Hinduism Coloring Pages for Kids

Hinduism is an ancient religion that originated in India. It is one of the oldest religions in the world, and is still practiced by millions of people today. It is a polytheistic religion, meaning that Hindus believe in many gods and goddesses. Hinduism is a complex faith, with many different beliefs and practices.
Here are some Hinduism-themed coloring pages to help you explore this fascinating religion!

Coloring page of the goddess Kali

Coloring page of the goddess Kali


Beautiful Hinduism coloring page to print and color

Ganesh in the center of a Mandala

Ganesh in the center of a Mandala

Vishnu who takes human form : Rama, to visit men

Vishnu who takes human form : Rama, to visit men

Coloring page hinduism to print

Hinduism coloring page to download