Card Game : the 8 sacred animals

Discover the Card Game of the 8 sacred animals ! This game can be played with or without prior question.

> If you have a question : think strongly about yourself and, when you feel it, draw a message card. The card that will come to you will be the one that corresponds to your answer.

> If you have no questions : simply go to the number that inspires you and return the card. It will bring you the energy you need right now.

Each card will bring you the energy you need. You can print it and put it in color, according to your feelings, so that the energy of the card gradually becomes impregnated in you.
Subsequently, you can cut it, color it if necessary, hang it on a wall, wear it on you.
Give yourself pleasure, listen to your intuition! Urielle

Printable Card Game : the 8 sacred animals Coloring Page for adults : Salmon

Salmon Keywords : Back to the source / Renaissance / Renouveau«  Taste the pleasure of the clear water that revives your being, and rise to yourself at this moment »The salmon takes you to your origin, to the source of yourself. If you drawn this card today it's for you the right time to find yourself as you really are. In water, the matrix, you can regenerate, revitalize all your senses. Why not take a bath, run waterDownload this card to color here

Printable Card Game : the 8 sacred animals Coloring Page for adults : Crane

Crane Keywords : Patience / concentration / Meditation. «  If, like me, you can find balance with just 0ne leg, you will have taken a big step 0n yourself »The crane has a sharp and piercing eye. She knows how to wait for the moment to act. This card also symbolizes the ability to concentrate which promotes just action. The crane dives its beak to fish its food. If she presents herself to you, it is to invite you, to encourage you to go into the depths of yourself while remaining like her, attentive to what is goingDownload this card to color here

Printable Card Game : the 8 sacred animals Coloring Page for adults : Horse

Horse Keywords : The speed / pace / rhythm«  Come with me, I will guide you at the right pace »If you have drawn this card, the horse symbol invites you to examine your pace. How fast do you want to go in this life? Are you in a hurry or, too slow? The symbol of the horse asks you to regulate, to adapt, to take the right speed that corresponds to you in what you currently live. His ardor can bring you the momentum, the vitality that you lack or according to the wisdom to bring you back to step, to more calm, to take your time. Do not burn the steps, with the horse you will find the perfect speed for every situation in your life. Download this card to color here

Printable Card Game : the 8 sacred animals Coloring Page for adults : Aries

Aries Keywords : Vigilance / Willpower / Confidence«  Like me, trust, you will face and know how to take it »If you have drawn this card, it will give you the support to face the different situations you encounter in confidence and stability. Even in moments when you doubt, this animal accompanies you with his strength and determination. He will take away your fears and will support you to overcome your obstacles and transmit you the strength to succeed. You can call the aries strength, it is with you now. Stay in this powerful position, nothing will destabilize you ! Download this card to color here

Printable Card Game : the 8 sacred animals Coloring Page for adults : Eagle

Eagle Keywords : The vision / See over / The future'Fly with me, and open your eyes well! the day begins'The eagle in its symbol brings a broader, higher, more just vision. When it appears in your draw it gives you the strength to look at the choices, events, emotions with another vision. From its height, at this altitude, everything will appear clearer, more comprehensible. It may even bring you signs. Be attentive, take the symbol of the eagle with you, and in the relaxation welcome his vision, his messages will guide you. Download this card to color here

Printable Card Game : the 8 sacred animals Coloring Page for adults : Otter

Otter Keywords : Acceptance / Adaptation / Flexibility«  Come with me in the waters, you will find the flexibility and the relaxation »If the otter comes to you today it is to teach you fluidity. Be attentive to what makes tension inside you and entrust it to the otter. It will help you to put the intention and action of flexibility. Download this card to color here

Printable Card Game : the 8 sacred animals Coloring Page for adults : Bee


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