After giving you my advices to draw a schoolgirl from the manga universe, here are the male version !
A very smart guy, with beautiful and elegant costume, and modern attitude.
Step 1
Draw the preparatory sketch by drawing the character’s contours in gray pencil.
Start with the left of the shirt, and the right. Then make the contours of the head and the trousers.
Step 2
By using the sketch, draw the character’s main lines.
Start with the hair, be careful to draw it with Manga / Anime style.
Then, draw the eye and the mouth. Finally make some little shadows patterns, draw the tie, the belt and the buttons.
Step 3
Use black felt pen with a skinny point to finalize your drawing, and take off the marks of gray pencil with a rubber.
Step 4
Now with you felt pens or colored pencils, of with an imaging software like Adobe Photoshop, color the character with the main colors.
Step 5
Finally, add some details like shadows or lights on the hair, the skin and the clothes …