Movie Coloring Page : Grogu / Baby Yoda (The Mandalorian)
Coloring of Grogu ('The Child / L'enfant / Bébé Yoda'), from the Disney TV series 'The Mandalorian' (Star Wars)
Grogu is a Star Wars character from the Disney series The Mandalorian. Of the same extraterrestrial species as Yoda, he is, despite his appearance, a 50-year-old child! Raised under the Republic, he survived the Jedi Purge (Order 66) and had to hide from the Galactic Empire and Palpatine. Decades later, he came under the care of a Mandalorian named Din Djarin. He found a new Master, Luke Skywalker, who finalized his training and enabled him to fully master the Force, which was very present in him.
A hip and moderately challenging Movie coloring page, to print or download as a PDF.
The movie 'Troy' is based on Homer's epic poem 'The Iliad', and portrays the legendary Trojan War.
Artist : Olivier
Click on the buttons below to Print or Download in PDF for free this Movie image for adults
Here are coloring pages created from famous movie posters or movie scenes, chosen for their complexity and richness in details. Some are very old (Charlie Chaplin movies), others more recent (Maleficent starring Angelina Jolie, was released in 2014). For these creations from the 7th art, the choice is between respect of the original style and total digression: psychedelic colors, rainbow, or else!
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Stars Wars Fanart
Maleficent Wings
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The first Star Wars movie (later subtitled A New Hope) made its debut in 1977. Two sequels followed: The Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983). The prequel trilogy, released between 1999 and 2005, consists of Episode I : The Phantom Menace, Episode II : Attack-Clones-Poster and Episode III : Revenge of the Sith. A third trilogy that follows the first two began in 2015 with The Force Awakens, followed by The Last Jedi in 2017 and The Rise of Skywalker in 2019. A first spin off was released in 2016 (Rogue one), and a second in 2018 (Solo).
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Discover all the coloring pages matching the keyword Grogu to Print or Download in PDF for Free
Grogu And Yoda
Discover all the coloring pages matching the keyword Yoda to Print or Download in PDF for Free
Grogu And Yoda
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