Coloring Pages by Mardel Rubio

Mardel is a Filipino artist who draws with great gentleness and poetry.

He now creates and publishes his own books, e-books that you can find on Amazon.

You can follow him on his Facebook account and Instagram account (Mardel Rubio).

Printable Mardel Rubio Coloring Page for adults : Enfantasia

"Enfantasia" : cute and mysterious little girl to color

Printable Mardel Rubio Coloring Page for adults : Hiwaga


Printable Mardel Rubio Coloring Page for adults : Imahination - 3

Imahination - 3

Printable Mardel Rubio Coloring Page for adults : Imahination - 2

Imahination - 2

Printable Mardel Rubio Coloring Page for adults : Imahination - 1

Imahination - 1