For the last few years, coloring had never been so popular. After coloring books for adults an therapies based on this concept, corporations and famous brands started to use coloring for their advertising campaigns.
Indeed, more and more companies work their marketing strategies out thanks to products or stuff to color. Thus, they encourage the customer to express his creativity but also to gather the coloring fans community.
For exemple, IKEA launched this year an advertising campaign about original coloring sheets, with their furnitures’ pattern. With the hashtag #ColorWithIkea, web users could share their coloring pages on Twitter :


Other societies such as Wathaburger and Kabuto Noodles based also their communication on coloring. On the one hand, Whataburger organized a coloring contest rewarded with free burgers for a year and 2500 $ cash price. On the other hand, Kabuto Noodles invited their customers to color their Food Truck’s giant billboard in downtown London.


The food industry seems to be deeply inspired by coloring : several marketing strategies for chocalated products were based on coloring. In a matter of fact, famous brands (Oreo) as well as local brands (Le chocolat des Français) made coloring a a serious asset for their advertising campaigns :


Finally, world of fashion was also seduced by coloring, as evidenced the french numero of Vogue magazine. Drawings as well as texts that sum up the evolution of both fashion and magazine through the years are included.

This craze for coloring is not a trend. Once purposed for children or drawings lovers, coloring became a precious tool in the realisation of advertising campaigns, with unique and creative ideas. Coloring is not only a hobby, but also a way to gather fans or casual drawers toward pioneering adverts.