Coloring page : Japan Stencil - design - 1

Coloring created from a stencil from Japan, dating from the 19th century - model 1. The stencils are made of layers of paper, glued together with a waterproofing agent, and then cut out. A network of silk threads is stretched between the elements of the decoration to hold the whole in place. One stencil is needed for each color. The size of the stencils matches the width of the kimono.

Coloring created from a stencil from Japan, dating from the 19th century - model 1
The stencils are made of layers of paper, glued together with a waterproofing agent, and then cut out. A network of silk threads is stretched between the elements of the decoration to hold the whole in place. One stencil is needed for each color. The size of the stencils matches the width of the kimono.

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Permission : For personal and non-commercial use only

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Japanese stencil design - 19th century - model 1
Quai Branly - Jacques Chirac Museum, Paris
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