Pop Art Coloring Page : Fresco keith haring

Printable Pop Art Coloring Page for adults : Fresco keith haring

Coloring page created from a Keith Haring fresco.
A trendy and somewhat hard printable Pop Art colouring page for adults, to print or download.
The term Pop Art was first used by British art critic Lawrence Alloway in 1954.

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Permission : For personal and non-commercial use only

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Discover our Pop art coloring pages, with drawings to color created from masterpieces by famous Pop artists Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Keith Haring .... Pop Art was the art of popular culture. It was the visual art movement that characterized a sense of optimism during the post war consumer boom of the 1950's and 1960'. The colors used by Pop Art artists are most of the time vivid colors, mainly yellow, red and blue.
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Keith Haring 8

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Keith Haring: Happy Characters

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Keith Haring : Happy Characters Squared

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Adult Keith Haring 13

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Complex Coloring Inspired By The Universe Of Keith Haring

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Keith Haring (1958 - 1990) was an American artist known for his bold and colorful artwork that blended elements of street art, pop art, and graffiti. Haring's work often featured simple and iconic figures such as dancing figures, barking dogs, and crawling babies, which he used to explore themes of social justice, love, and unity. He was deeply influenced by his experiences in New York City's 1980s street culture, where he gained international recognition for his public murals and collaborations with other artists. Haring died at the age of 31 due to complications from AIDS, but his legacy lives on through his influential and accessible art.
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Keith Haring: Happy Characters
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Coloring Page Created From A Keith Haring Painting
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