Coloring Pages by Esteban

Here are the creations of Esteban, student in visual communication

Esteban : Coloring inspired by Esther Mahlangu

Coloring freely inspired by the paintings of African artist Esther Mahlangu

Printable Esteban Coloring Page for adults : Geometric Wolf

Wolf head created with straight lines, with geometric background

Printable Esteban Coloring Page for adults : Bears & triangles

Howling bear formed by triangles

Esteban : Coloring page inspired by Serge Menandi

Coloring page freely inspired by the paintings of African artist Serge Menandi

Printable Esteban Coloring Page for adults : Geometric Easter Egg

Easter egg coloring page with geometric patterns

Printable Esteban Coloring Page for adults : Sun & Moon Mandala

A beautiful mandala to color with in the center the sun, and in each ends : moons