Coloring pages and well-being of retired in residence for dependent and elderly
Thomas Narvaez, manager and associate of Wivy (French firm specialized in animation in rest home) uses our mandalas and other coloring pages of our website, for animations with his residents.
This activity is not chosen at random, he explains why he advises this activity for people in retirement homes.
Why take part the elderly in this activity?
Among the many activities that work for the persons in retirement homes, there is the coloring pages (in particular the coloring of mandalas).
Unlike a painting or a free drawing, the mandala is pre-drawn. It helps to begin the activity more easily and will therefore reduce the fear of failure for the resident.
The interest of this creative workshop, simple and inexpensive, is that it requires no special knowledge for its realization and has the benefit of being accessible to any elderly person in capacity to hold a pencil.
What can bring this practice for this type of audience?
The practice of this hobby allows the retired persons to have fun, to spend a pleasant moment, to relax themselves, to escape …
It also allows to leave the little worries of daily life aside during a session. Beyond these benefits, the main objectives are:
Encourage artistic expression
Favour the concentration
Reduce anxiety
Maintain mobility, as uses of the pencil
Improve self-esteem
How takes place a coloring pages session in a retirement home?
Generally, whether individual or collective, the coloring session is realized in a quiet space so as not to be disturbed.
Upstream, the supplies were collected to avoid interrupting the session. Some mandalas are very elaborate, I print several models from the most easy to the most complicated. Elderly persons can choose their own mandala.
The most important is not the result, but to induce the elderly to create, and not to do in his place. At the end, they seem relaxed and relaxed.
Now, we know that coloring pages is an activity that contributes to the well-being of our persioners.
It helps to decompress, foster concentration and improve self-esteem. This leisure also allows to enhance their work and encourages them toartistic expression.
Lastly, it ensures the absolute relaxation and appeasement at the end of this activity.
We thank Thomas for taking the time to explain the interests of this activity for the elderly in retirement homes, but also the Wivy platform.
You can find the society below the link to the website and the Facebook page of Wivy.
Find the mandalas and other types of downloadable coloring on our website 🙂.