China & Asia Coloring Page : Drawing illustrating cotton production

Coloring created from an illustrated page from the album 'Images illustrant une production de coton' (1765)
This album was produced to promote the latest technologies in cotton cultivation and textile production in 18th-century China. The book is on display at the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin, Ireland.
A hip and moderately challenging China & Asia picture, to print or download as a PDF.
China's Yangtze River, the longest river in Asia, spans over 3,900 miles.
Artist : Olivier
Click on the buttons below to Print or Download in PDF for free this China & Asia image for adults
Original work

Pictures Illustrating Cotton Production (1765)
Compiled by Fang Guancheng (1644-1911)
Compiled by Fang Guancheng (1644-1911)
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