Coloring Pages by Greg Giordo

Gregory Giordo is a young man from Marseilles who is been passionate by drawing, coloring page for adults, classic music since 7 years old. She like also the art of pastry.

His objective before everything is to make happy himself, to share, to have his own style and personality.

Greg had begin to make his drawing thanks to artists like Leen Margot or Fafahé.

Printable Greg Giordo Coloring Page for adults : Imp on Zentangle pattern background

Imp on Zentangle pattern background

Printable Greg Giordo Coloring Page for adults : Water world greg

In this coloring page, you can see the heart of the sea

Printable Greg Giordo Coloring Page for adults : Op art greg

With this optical illusion, we lose the north

Printable Greg Giordo Coloring Page for adults : Op art greg - 2

A temporal portal or just An optical illusion ?