Coloring Pages by Zen Féérie

The credo of Zenfeerie, it's the Zentangles ! Her drawings follow a method invented by two American illustrators in the last few years. It consists of simple but repetitive drawings which together form abstract patterns.

Coloring but also drawing, Zentangle coloring pages will bring you meditation, relaxation and mindfulness ! Tested and approved :)

With Zenfeerie, you can even learn to create your own Zentangle drawings.
Simply visit her Facebook page, that in addition to showcase her many illustrations, provide free Zentangle tutorials and examples.

Printable Zen Féérie Coloring Page for adults : Hidden fish

Fish hidden in a beautiful Zentangle design

Printable Zen Féérie Coloring Page for adults : Love is all

"Love is all", adult coloring page using the Zentangle style

Printable Zen Féérie Coloring Page for adults : Imaginationa5-by-zenfeerie

Zentangle coloring page in two parts

Printable Zen Féérie Coloring Page for adults : Butterfly-by-zenfeerie

Zentangle coloring picture of a beautiful Butterfly