Return to childhood Coloring Page : Cherry blossom fairy

Follow this beautiful fairy on her cherry tree! You're gonna love it!
A cool and challenging Return to childhood printable colouring sheet for adults, to print.
'Return to Childhood' in Art Therapy often utilizes techniques such as drawing, painting, and sculpting.
Artist : Yampuff
Click on the buttons below to Print or Download in PDF for free this Return to childhood image for adults
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With the coloring pages that follow, we offer you a return to childhood ! Indeed, we selected visual form Disney movies, 80s TV series, child books ... you certainly know most of these characters ! But beware, all these images contain a lot of detail ...
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Fairies are mythical creatures often depicted as small, magical beings with wings. They are said to live in natural environments such as forests, meadows, and gardens, and are known for their mischievous and whimsical nature. Many cultures and folklore traditions have their own interpretations and beliefs about fairies.
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