Coloring page : William Morris - Treillis (1864)

Coloring page created from the wallpaper pattern created by William Morris: 'Trellis' in 1864. In Britain, paper printed with patterns has been used for decorating walls since the 16th century. By the late 19th century wallpapers were widely used in homes and public buildings. William Morris designed a number of wallpapers, all with repeating patterns based on natural forms and animals.

Coloring page created from the wallpaper pattern created by William Morris: 'Trellis' in 1864
In Britain, paper printed with patterns has been used for decorating walls since the 16th century. By the late 19th century wallpapers were widely used in homes and public buildings. William Morris designed a number of wallpapers, all with repeating patterns based on natural forms and animals.

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Treillis (1864)
William Morris (1834, 1896)
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